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This A.I Chrome Extension Making $3,500 In Just 2 Months

How selling the entire source code to his A.I tool is bringing in the money after just 2 months

Hello! Can you introduce yourself and tell us about your business?

Hi, My name is Prince from India and I'm a 21 year old indie hacker and content creator.

I built Helper-AI, a Chrome Extension and the world's fastest way to access GPT-4; you just type “help” and instantly access GPT-4 on any site, without changing tabs again and again.

Here is the link - https://www.helperai.info/

In just 2 months, it crossed $3500+ in revenue from selling the complete ownership and source code of my AI tool on Gumroad.

Anyone can buy my code to modify, redistribute, or resell it at any price.

How did you start this business? Take us through the process.

After Chatgpt launched all the around the internet, people are building some amazing AI tools and in just 1 to 2 months they started making good money and promoting all over on social media.

Some of my inspiration was Danny Postma, Marc Lou, who were all making more than $50,000 through AI tools and that hit me different because i was jobless that time.

So, I started experimenting and one thing I noticed is that most people are using Chatgpt for writing codes or content, and it's just like copy paste work from one site to another site.

As a creator, I am also frustrated because every time I want to access ChatGPT, I need to login into ChatGPT first, fill the password, captcha, and changing the browser tab again and again to use it. That completely makes me unproductive and overwhelming.

So, I decided to solve my frustration and started watching coding tutorials and learning basic javascript and then built my first AI after 2 months of learning.

Now people can easily access GPT-4 without changing tabs and my tool is easily capable of generating high-quality content, write code & excel Formulas, rewrite, research, summarise and more and it works great with all macOS + Windows.

And I provide the complete source code, so if people want to improve something they easily can and for those people or students who want to make money in this AI era, they can easily make money from my source code too.

How did you get your first initial customers?

My marketing strategy is very simple.

I do not have too many followers on social media, so i just started posting videos about my tool and regular revenue stats about my business in platforms like Product hunt, Reddit and Twitter. If people like it, they buy it.

Here’s an example tweet:

My first 10 customers actually came from my Product Hunt launch here.

After that I just continue posting and promoting on Twitter and Reddit about my product and the business.

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How does your business make money?

My business model is also simple; people can just easily download my AI chrome extension for $29 for lifetime

No subscription basis; just a one time purchase + free on all future updates.

My cost of running the whole business is $0; I used Gumroad to sell my source code, and they take a small transactional fee (10% flat fee) out from each sale.

The tool has made over $3,500 so far (been 2 months since I launched):

Where can we go to lean more about you and your business?

Here are some links you can go to learn more:
